“Capacity development of mineral institutions and of small-scale private sector operating in low-value minerals in ACP countries”

15-16 July, 2015, Brussels


In contrast to the large-scale tradable minerals and hydrocarbons sector, the low-value minerals and materials sector (LVMM) has closer links with the local economy, has the potential to generate more local jobs, and therefore can have a greater impact on poverty reduction. The LVMM sector includes the mining of construction materials, dimensions stones, industrial minerals and low-grade metals and precious stones.

Despite its income generation potential, the LVMM sector often remains unrealized or under-realized. This is in part due to the uncertain legal and regulatory framework in which the sector operates and the lack of publicly available and easily accessible geological data, which exacerbates wasteful exploration and discourages investment in the sector. In addition, small and medium-sized companies operating in the LVMM sector often lack up-to date technology, knowhow and financing to raise the productivity of their operations. Furthermore, there can be serious social and environmental impacts associated with low-value mining, with consequences on health and safety of workers in this sector and surrounding communities.

The initiative “Capacity development of mineral institutions and of small-scale private sector operating in low-value minerals in African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries” aims to support the implementation of the ACP Framework of Action on the Development of Mineral Resources Sector endorsed by the ACP Committee of Ambassadors in 2011. This is an initiative by the ACP Group, coordinated by the ACP Secretariat, financed by the European Commission and UNDP, and implemented by UNDP. This is a three-year initiative, with a budget of €13.4 million.

The initiative will provide capacity-building support to the small-scale private sector, associations/chambers, public institutions and communities that operate in the LVMM sector. The initiative will promote knowledge exchange to increase the sector’s productivity; better manage mining operations; adhere to national and international environmental and health standards; and prevent conflict through effective community relations.

Inception Workshop

The inception workshop will bring together experts from government, private sector, civil society and community representatives as well as potential partner organizations. The specific objectives of the workshop are:

· To inform key stakeholders about the objectives, activities and expected results of the initiative

· To present the initiative’s concept, design and workflow

· To present a draft background paper on low-value mining in ACP countries and gather further feedback and comments to complete the study

· To gather information about small-scale LVMM mining sectors in ACP countries

· To identify the most suitable capacity development approaches, tools and potential partner institutions for each of the areas identified in the initiative

· To review experiences of similar initiatives targeting the LVMM sector, in ACP countries or elsewhere

· To identify areas for knowledge sharing and cross-country collaboration and possible mechanisms for doing so

· To define institutional partnerships and collaborations, including with regional organizations


· Around 50 participants including:

o Representatives of governments

o Mining associations, miners, and chambers

o Representatives of regional and specialist institutions

o Select individual practitioners and trainers working in LVMM

o Civil society organisations active in LVMM

Duration/ timeframe: 15 – 16 July 2015

Location: ACP Secretariat, Avenue Georges Henri 451, Brussels, Belgium


For more information:

Dr. Daniel Franks, Chief Technical Advisor and Programme Manager, UNDP Brussels, daniel.franks@undp.org, +32 2 290 87 66

Ms. Ludmila Tiganu, Communications Specialist, UNDP Brussels, ludmila.tiganu@undp.org, +32 2 213 8296

Dr. Maximin Emagna, Expert – Private Sector and Investment, ACP Secretariat,maximin@acp.int, +32 2 743 0600