Brussels, 7 March 2016: The ACP-EU TradeComII programmekicked off operations earlier this year, aimed at strengthening trade capacity in African, Caribbean and Pacific countries.

Funded by the European Union, through the ACP-EU partnership, the TradeComII programme builds upon the former TradeCom Facilty and ACP Multilateral Trading System programmes that were implemented during the period of 2004 to 2012 and 2009 to 2014 respectively.

The overall objective is to contribute to the sustainable economic development and poverty reduction in ACP countries through closer regional integration and increased participation in the global economy.

Worth a total of €34.4 Million in both grants and technical assistance, the current scheme will continue boost capacity of ACP countries and regions to formulate and implement sound trade policies, by providing expertise, legal support, institutional capacity-building and carrying out studies.

The programme will also help countries to negotiate and implement bilateral and regional trade agreements to their benefit, including ACP-EU Economic Partnership Agreements and All-ACP economic cooperation, as well as Agreements at the multilateral WTO level.

A new emphasis will be placed on strengthening ACP private sector competitiveness by supporting trade facilitation and trade promotion. This includes targeted support to diversify export base and markets, as well as greater integration into the regional and global value chains.

The TradeComII programme is implemented by a Brussels-based Programme Management Unit (PMU) led by Ahmed Amani Ndyeshobola. At its first meeting of the year, the ACP Sub-Committee on Trade and Commodities heard a presentation from the PMU on planned activities to support both regional and multilateral trade capacity.

On the 22th February 2016, the programme’s first mission, led by Mr. Ndyeshobola (Team Leader) and Ms. Poonam Mohun (Regional Trade Expert), was completed in Geneva, during which five meetings were organised with the ACP Group, the Permanent Mission of the European Union to the WTO, the Deputy Director General of WTO, and UNCTAD.

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