PRESS RELEASE: ACP Group, Brazil make historic step towards closer South-South relations
ACP PRESS RELEASE, 9 December 2011: The African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States (ACP Group) and the Federative Republic of Brazil today signed a landmark agreement to build South-South solidarity through enhanced technical cooperation and dialogue between the two parties.
ACP Secretary General H.E Dr Mohamed Ibn Chambas and the Ambassador of Brazil H.E Ricardo Neiva Tavares endorsed a Memorandum of Understanding in front of the ACP Council of Ministers and ACP trade ministers in Brussels.
“This is a historic step forward for the ACP Group and we hope that this MOU will pave the way for more fruitful exchanges of technology and expertise that can promote the development of our ACP member economies, as well as Brazil…We were impressed by the story of Brazil’s remarkable success in taking over 20 million people out of absolute poverty in the space of a decade, thanks to various initiatives. Clearly, Brazil provides crucially important lessons for us,” said Dr Chambas.
The Government of Brazil currently implements cooperation projects in many ACP countries in areas such as agriculture, health, education and bio-energy. It also offers technical training courses in top Brazilian institutions for ACP participants.
“This memorandum we now sign intends to build upon these initiatives and on the work of the ACP Group to foster South-South cooperation. This agreement will complement bilateral initiatives and will create new opportunities for cooperation. It will establish a permanent dialogue mechanism that will allow Brazil and the ACP Group as a whole to learn from each other and to explore innovative ways to strengthen our relationship,” stated Ambassador Tavares.
The memorandum stipulates regular meetings between the two parties in Brussels, for the interchange of information on programs, projects and activities. ACP members may also submit proposals for activities to the Brazilian Government through the ACP Secretariat.
The signing ceremony marks the first formal arrangement for collaboration between the ACP Group and Brazil, the largest economy in Latin America. The ACP Group includes 79 member countries in Africa, Caribbean and the Pacific, and works to promote sustainable economic development amongst its member states, as well as their integration into the world economy. -END-
(Pictured: Brazilian Ambassador H.E. Ricardo Neiva Tavares, ACP Secretary General Dr Mohamed Ibn Chambas, and President of the ACP Council of Ministers Hon. Oryem Henry Okello)
For more information, contact Press Attachee Josephine Latu +32 2 7430617 or