Brussels, 03 September 2019/ACP:The next Brussels Development Briefing n. 57 on “Investing in smallholder agriculture for food security and nutrition” organised by CTA, the European Commission/EuropeAid and the ACP Secretariat will be held on Wednesday 11th September 2019, 9h00-13h00 at the ACP Secretariat, Avenue Georges Henri 451, 1200 Brussels, Room C. The Briefing will discuss smallholder agriculture and its key role in delivering food security/nutrition, and sustainable food systems, as recognised in SDG 2.

Discussions will centre around the frameworks and processes needed to promote inclusive smallholder agricultural production that contributes to sustainable food systems. Examples of successes from smallholders in various sectors and value chains will be used to make the case for further support to smallholder-driven agriculture, with an evaluation of the factors for success, their replicability, and potential for upscaling of best practices.

Background Note and Draft Programme

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Twitter: Follow @ctabrussels and @brubriefings with the hashtag #BBSmallholders

The Briefing will also be webstreamed: