Interview ACP 1-on-1: Ambassdor of Congo and Chairman of the ACP Committee of Ambassadeurs H.E. Roger-Julien Menga
Brussels, 22 April, 2016/ ACP: H.E Roger-Julien Menga, Ambassador of the Republic of Congo to the EU and Chairman-in-Office of the ACP Committee of Ambassadors shares some insights into the added value of the Group of 79 African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States in the international arena, while detailing the key role of the Committee of Ambassadors in the work of the organisation. Ambassador Menga gives his views on the aspirations of the ACP Group to be reenergized, self-sufficient, with a new vision for the post-2020 era. These issues will be central to the upcoming 41st meeting of the ACP-EU Council of Ministers as well as the 8th Summit of Heads of State and Government.
– Interview by Josephine Latu-Sanft/ Ghislain Zobiyo, ACP Press Office