High level talks target follow-up action on global climate agreement
Brussels, 16 March 2016: Top officials from global and regional agencies will gather in Brussels on 22-23 March, along with representatives from the 79 Member States of the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Group, to accelerate work towards implementing the historic Paris Agreement on climate change.
High level participants including European Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy Miguel Cañete, who will deliver the keynote address, UNEP Director Achim Steiner, UN FAO Director General José Graziano Da Silva, Secretary General of the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) Petteri Taalas and others, will join regional partners and ACP ambassadors to discuss concrete proposals for follow-up actions on the global agreement endorsed by world leaders in December 2015, at the UN Climate Change Conference COP21.
Representatives for the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS), as well as the host of the next Conference of the Parties COP22 meeting, Morocco, will also make presentations.
The aim is to facilitate dialogue and generate an action plan, including elements on partnerships and finance mechanisms, to tackle climate issues pertinent to African, Caribbean and Pacific developing countries.
“Climate change is a global challenge that cuts across all 79 members of the ACP Group – with almost half of the membership (37) being Small Island Developing States, and/or Least Developed Countries (39), which are particularly vulnerable,” stated ACP Secretary General Dr. Patrick Gomes.
“Translating the ambitions and decisions of COP21 at the global and multilateral level into concrete actions on the ground in our countries, is a major task that needs the commitment of all partners. We must not let the momentum slide on this vital opportunity to make a difference for our planet.”
Leading up to the Paris Agreement, the European Union and ACP countries made a critical joint statement pushing together for an ambitious, durable and dynamic agreement in Paris. The statement welcomed the signing of the 11th European Development Fund Intra-ACP Strategy by the ACP Group and the European Commission, which allocates €475 million to support climate action, resilience building and the environment in ACP countries up to 2020.
The ACP Group’s Issues Paper and Ministerial Declaration on COP21 also reaffirmed the view that climate change threatens the very survival of ACP countries, and poses immediate and long-term significant risks to sustainable development. Key concerns highlighted include adaptation to climate variability and adequate support for adaptation actions especially for Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and Small Island Developing States (SIDS); loss and damage associated with impacts of climate change; mitigation and limits on global warming; climate financing; technology development/transfer and capacity building; and reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation.
The two-day meeting in Brussels will feature presentations from the ACP Secretariat, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and other UN agencies, European Commission, the South Centre, FAO, WMO, the Ramphal Institute and Institute de la Francophonie pour le development durable.
Interactive exchange on support for implementation will be led by the Belgian Government, African Development Bank, and Green Climate Fund. Regional experts from Africa, Caribbean and Pacific, along with representations of the LDCs and AOSIS countries will also share insights and views on the Paris Agreement.
A draft document on ACP Actions Post-COP21 and joint activities will be discussed and approved by the plenary.
Visit the Global Climate Change Alliance programme for ACP countries
For more information, contact:
Josephine Latu-Sanft
ACP Press Office
Ave. Georges Henri 451, 1200 Brussels
+32 2 7430617
+32 476575673