Decision 8 – 99th session of the ACP Council of Ministers, 16-18 June 2014: TECHNICAL CENTRE FOR AGRICULTURAL & RURAL COOPERATION
The ACP Council of Ministers,
– Meeting in Nairobi, Kenya, from 16 to 18 June 2014,
RECALLING that Annex III of the Cotonou Agreement outlines the CTA mandate and areas of intervention (Institutional support, CDE and CTA);
HAVING REGARD to the mission of the CTA as reflected in Article 3 of Annex III of the Cotonou Agreement;
FURTHER RECALLING the endorsement by the ACP Council at its 98th Session of December 2013 of the performance evaluation criteria for the CTA Director;
HAVING EXAMINED the report of the ACP Committee of Ambassadors regarding the CTA Director’s performance report;
1. Approve the report of the Executive Board on the performance of the Director; and
2. Approve the renewal of the Director’s contract for a second term of five years.
Done at Nairobi, 18 June 2014
Dr. Abdallah Omari Kigoda
Minister for Industry and Trade of
the United Republic of Tanzania
President of the ACP Council of Ministers