Decision 7 – 99th session of the ACP Council of Ministers, 16-18 June 2014: ACP-EU JOINT COOPERATION FRAMEWORK ON PRIVATE SECTOR DEVELOPMENT IN ACP COUNTRIES
The ACP Council of Ministers,
– Meeting in Nairobi, Kenya, from 16 to 18 June 2014,
AFFIRMING the vital role of the private sector in the economic and social development of ACP States ad regions;
ACKNOWLEDGING the importance given to the ACP Group and the European Union in strengthening private sector support under the 11th EDF;
UNDERSCORING the need for the ACP Group and the European Union to have a common vision on ACP private sector support under the 11th EDF;
HAVING CONSIDERED the objectives and the principle elements of the ACP-EU Joint Cooperation Framework for Private Sector Development in ACP Countries;
NOTING that the concerns and priorities of the ACP Group with regard to private sector support have been largely taken into account in the ACP-EU Joint Cooperation Framework for Private Sector Development;
WELCOMING the consensus reached by the ACP Group and the European Union on the principle elements of the ACP-EU Joint Cooperation Framework;
HAVING REGARD TO the recommendation of the Committee of Ambassadors to the ACP Council of Ministers to adopt this Framework;
Adopt the ACP-EU Joint Cooperation Framework for Private Sector Development in ACP Countries (ACP/85/012/14).
Done at Nairobi, 18 June 2014
Dr. Abdallah Omari Kigoda
Minister for Industry and Trade of
the United Republic of Tanzania
President of the ACP Council of Ministers