Decision 2 – 99th session of the ACP Council of Ministers, 16-18 June 2014
The ACP Council of Ministers,
– Meeting in Nairobi, Kenya , from 16 to 18 June 2014,
RECALLING that the Bureau of the Council of Ministers at its Special Session on 25 March 2013, instructed that the Committee of Ambassadors undertakes a review of the Modalities for the Appointment of the Secretary-General and other related legal instruments, to address their inadequacies in dealing with the occurrence of a vacancy in the post of Secretary-General before the expiry of tenure;
HAVING REGARD TO the report of the Committee of Ambassadors contained in document [ACP/26/039/14 Rev.2];
HAVING REGARD to the provisions of Article 25 of the Georgetown Agreement;
1. Adopt all the recommendations on this matter contained in document [ACP/26/039/14 Rev.2];
2. Repeal the age requirement of sixty (60) years for the candidate for the post of Secretary-General which is contained in the revised Staff Regulations of the ACP Secretariat (ACP/41/050/11 Rev.1);
3. Allocate the post of the next Secretary General to the Caribbean Region;
4. Mandate the Committee of Ambassadors to establish a clear schedule of regions in accordance with the agreed rotation system and set down the sequential order of the ACP regions from which the future Secretary general will be nominated;
5. Further mandate the Committee of Ambassadors to determine which regions will take up the posts of the Assistant Secretaries General for the period 2015 to 2020.
Done at Nairobi on 18 June 2014
Dr. Abdallah Omari Kigoda
Minister for Industry and Trade of the United Republic of Tanzania
President of the ACP Council of Ministers