CALL FOR PROJECTS: ACP Sugar Research and Innovation Programme Phase II
The Secretariat of the African, Caribbean and Pacific group of states (ACP) has the honour to bring to your consideration the launch of a new call for research & Development to prepare the phase II of the ACP Sugar Research and Innovation Programme.
This call for projects is open to all organisations of the ACP group of States and from the European Union involved in the scope of Research and Development of sugarcane. The projects intend to introduce innovations and new products in the commodity chain to enhance the competitiveness of the sugar cane sector in ACP countries. The ACP group of States wishes to focus on the promotion of intra-ACP, ACP – EU and public/private partnerships.
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This call for projects will take place in two distinct phases:
– The submission of a concept note that will be evaluated by a Scientific Committee,
– The submission of the full projects whose concept notes will have been selected.
Applications must be sent to the following address:
no later than 30 April 2014. The details of this call for projects as well as useful information are available on the website of the Secretariat of the ACP Group of States ( and have an echo on the ACP-SRP website (
Please note that only short-listed candidates will be contacted for the submission of a full project.
This is a restricted Call for Projects. In the first instance, only Concept Notes must be submitted for evaluation. Thereafter, applicants who have been pre-selected will be invited to submit a Full Application Form. After the evaluation of the Full Applications, an eligibility check will be performed for those which have been provisionally selected. Eligibility will be checked on the basis of the supporting documents requested by the Contracting Authority and the signed ‘Declaration by the Applicant’ sent together with the application.