Building resilience to climate change in ACP countries
The Intra-ACP Global Climate Change Alliance Plus (GCCA+) Programme is a €70 million initiative of the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Group of States funded by the 11th European Development Fund (EDF) to strengthen dialogue and cooperation on climate change with the most vulnerable developing countries.
The Intra-ACP GCCA+ Programme specifically targets ACP Member States, helping them to better tackle climate change as a challenge to their development and implement appropriate adaptation and mitigation responses. It finances regional programmes managed by ACP regional organisations, as well as a technical assistance component under which the Climate Support Facility (CSF) provides demand-driven technical support to ACP countries and regions.
Priority areas for CSF support include:
• Climate change mainstreaming in development policies, plans, programmes and projects
• Implementation of the Paris Agreement, with a specific focus on nationally determined contributions (NDCs)
• Replication and scaling up of successful adaptation and mitigation practices (including ecosystem-based solutions).
• More generally, initiatives that integrate the climate change and sustainable development agendas
The CSF provides short-term technical assistance and training services to contribute to the implementation or development of climate change-related projects, programmes and policies in ACP countries and regions. It can help with:
• Feasibility studies
• Project identification or formulation
• Policy development
• Determination of funding requirements and resource mobilisation
• Capacity building, training, workshops
• Knowledge management
• Curriculum development
• Technical advice on specific issues
Examples of past support can be found on: Support is open to regional organisations, government bodies, and non-state actors such as cities/municipalities, universities, research institutions and civil society organisations in ACP countries. You can apply for support easily by sending an email to: For more information, please contact Dr. Pendo Maro ( Or visit the GCCA+ website: