ACP PRESS RELEASE – July 14 2011: The ACP-AU Spouses Association today presented 9,000 euros to the Secretary-General of the ACP Group, Dr Mohamed Ibn Chambas, which will be sent to two charitable organisations in the Solomon Islands and Sierra Leone.

The African, Caribbean and Pacific-African Union Spouses have decided to channel funds raised from its annual charity fundraising in Brussels this year to Women’s Initiatives for Safer Health in Sierre Leone and towards the purchase of a mammography machine in the Solomon Islands.

Secretary-General Dr. Chambas in accepting the cheque commended the efforts of the spouses association stating that the money would go a long way to saving many lives in the two ACP countries.

The money will be divided equally to the two charities.

The cheque was presented to Dr Chambas and the Chairman of the ACP Committee of Ambassadors and Ambssador of Nigeria, H.E Mr. Ushman Baraya, by the Treasurer of the Association, Mrs. Agathe Todjinou.

The ceremony was witnessed by members of the ACP Committee of Ambssadors. Last year the spouses raised 26,000 euros, which was donated to Haiti following the devastating earthquake, which killed thousands of people in that country.

For further details contact Robert Iroga, Press Attaché, ACP Secretariat or email: