8000 teachers to benefit from francophone training programme

The programme aims to train 8000 teachers in rural areas of four ACP countries (Burkina Faso, Comoros , Mali, Chad ) between now and 2018, strengthening their skills for teaching French and as well as teaching in French, under the Francophone Initiative for Distance Training for Teachers (IFADEM – L’Initiative francophone pour la formation à distance des maitres).
ACP Secretary General Dr. Patrick I. Gomes, the European Commission’s Head of Unit for Education, Health, Research and Culture at DG DEVCO, Ms. Aida Liha Matějíček, OIF Administrator Mr Adama Ouane, and AUF Rector Mr. Jean- Paul Gaudemar marked the launch of the programme with a special ceremony on 17 March.
All the partners emphasized the relevance of IFADEM actions in improving the quality of education, which is a priority of Agenda 2030. They reiterated the need for joint action to address the challenges faced by many countries, and welcomed the excellent cooperation that exists between the teams.
IFADEM is a programme contributes to international efforts to improve the quality of basic education for all. Through IFADEM, two international francophone organisations—Organisation internationale de la Francophonie and Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie—aim to improve teachers’ competence and teaching skills, both in language and non-language fields.
Financing for the initiative comes through the European Development Fund, which is co-managed by the European Commission and the ACP Secretariat, for programmes benefiting the African, Caribbean and Pacific countries signatory to the ACP-EU Partnership Agreement.

(Photo: Institutional partners including EU, ACP, AUF and OIF/ Photo by IFADEM)