OACPS Publishes Strategic Plan 2022-2025
4 July 2022

Brussels, 4 July 2022/OACPS: The Secretariat of the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS) has published the Organisation’s new 2022-2025 Strategic Plan (SP2022-2025) both in hardcopy and virtual formats.
OACPS Secretary-General, H.E. Mr Georges Rebelo Pinto Chikoti said the new Strategic Plan, “will guide the transformation of the Secretariat into a Centre of Excellence”. He also indicated that the new Strategic Plan points to the OACPS’ ambition for change, aspiration for excellence, commitment to deliver results and to the Organisation’s goal to make a meaningful difference to the lives of the peoples of the OACPS.”
Geared towards seizing opportunities amid transition and uncertainty, the SP2022-2025 will for the first time, follow a Theory of Change (ToC) approach that will guide the work of the OACPS Secretariat. A ToC approach is a representation of how and why a desired change or process will succeed, given certain assumptions, and provides a blueprint of all the building blocks needed to achieve the longer term goals of a particular intervention/activity.
The new Strategic Planning period (2022-2025) coincides with the development and implementation of a Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting (PMER) Framework that will benefit the Organisation and its partners. The PMER Framework will incorporate annual staff performance objectives and individual performance assessments.
The SP2022-2025 was drafted by an Internal Secretariat Reflection Group, led by the Office of the Secretary-General, and consisted of representatives from each of the five departments of the Secretariat of the OACPS, ably assisted and guided by an external advisor, Dr Jan Vandemoortle.
The SP2022-2025 will be available in the four official languages of the OACPS: English, French, Portuguese and Spanish. Virtual copies of the English and French version are currently available on the OACPS website.