UN-Habitat launches 3rd phase of the Participatory Slum Upgrading Programme in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire
12 May 2022

Abidjan, May 12, 2022: The Participatory Slum Upgrading Programme (PSUP), the first phase of which was launched in 2008 with the support of the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS), with funding from the European Commission (EC) and implementation by UN-Habitat, has reached its third phase this year in Abidjan.
To this end, an official launching workshop was organised on Wednesday, 11 May 2022 at the Hotel du District, Abidjan. According to its initiators, since its launch and through the different phases: PSUP I, II and III, the Programme has implemented strategies, policies and projects to fight against chronic and widespread urban poverty in slums and informal settlements. For example, in Côte d’Ivoire, PSUP (2012) produced urban profiles of Boundiali, Issia, and Abidjan and detailed profiles of Abidjan’s communes, including, Abobo, Treichville, Port-Bouet and Yopougon. PSUP II (2015) focused on the development of slum upgrading strategies in the communes of Treichville and Abobo. A situational analysis, a slum upgrading strategy and the identification of priority projects for the neighborhoods of Anonkoua 3 and Bougounisso in Abobo and the neighborhoods of Yobou Lambert and Kouassi Lenoir in Treichville have also been established.
To achieve its objectives by 2022, PSUP III (2022) will build on the results of the previous phases to consolidate its intervention through technical and financial support to partners with a presence and proven experience in Côte d’Ivoire. Phase 3 will demonstrate the potential of community-managed funds (CMFs) as a means to improve living conditions in slums while ensuring a positive socio-economic impact in communities through livelihood support and job creation.
Alphonse N’Guessan, Director at the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Urban Affairs, said that this project, valued at nearly 50 million Euros, aims to improve the living environment of the populations of five neighborhoods in the district of Abidjan. “The objective of these investments is to raise the level of basic services in terms of roads, sanitation, electricity, drinking water supply, social services, education and health.”
For his part, Ghitu Mundunge, resident Coordinator of the United Nations system explained that the PSUP aims to strengthen the fight against poverty in rural areas. “Specifically, the PSUP aims to work with the governments of ACP countries to implement policies and Programmes for the improvement of slums with an active decentralized participation and empowerment of communities, to better the access by slum dwellers to safe drinking water, sanitation, sustainable housing, a viable living environment and land security.”
Source: Elvire Ahonon, Afrik-Soir
Photo: mypsup.org