On Wednesday, 19 April 2023, Dr Natalia Kanem, Executive Director of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), met with Ms Isatou-Auber Faal, Assistant Secretary General of the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS), at OACPS headquarters in Brussels. The meeting focused on potential areas of collaboration between the two organisations, including sexual and reproductive health, human rights, gender equality, population issues and migration.

Dr Kanem expressed her deep appreciation for the work and accomplishments of the OACPS and announced that she would be travelling to the Pacific region to engage with Pacific states to contribute to improving the health of their populations. In response, Ms Faal acknowledged the achievements of UNFPA, particularly in OACPS countries, and expressed OACPS’ desire to deepen its cooperation with UNFPA. In this regard, she invited Dr Kanem to address the OACPS Committee of Ambassadors in the near future. In addition, Ms Faal suggested that the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly platform should also be used to advance issues of common interest, such as health, education and migration.

Furthermore, Dr Kanem indicated that a note verbale would be sent to the OACPS, inviting the Secretary General or one of his representatives to participate in the next UN International Conference on Population and Development. The meeting was productive and demonstrated the shared commitment of UNFPA and OACPS to work together on issues of mutual interest and benefit to people.

Main  Commitments:

  1. Facilitating the participation of the UNFPA Executive Director to a Session of the OACPS Committee of Ambassadors (Office of the SG)


  1. Preparing the participation of the OACPS Secretary General in the next UN International Conference on Population (Office of the SG)


  1. Advocacy for issues of common interest at the level of ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly (PAHD Department)