Brussels, 22 August 2022/OACPS: The Council of Ministers of the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS) convened its 114th Session at the Headquarters of the OACPS Secretariat from 08-09 June 2022. H.E. Mrs Sylvie Baïpo Temon, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Central African Republic and President-in-Office of The OACPS Council of Ministers, presided over the hybrid meeting.

The Session adopted 11 Decisions and 1 Resolution:


  1. Decision on the new OACPS-EU Partnership Agreement;
  2. Decision on the Deposition of the instrument of accession to the Georgetown Agreement, as revised in 2019, at the OACPS Secretariat;
  3. Decision on Application for Membership of the Republic of Maldives to the OACPS;
  4. Decision on the Audited Financial Statements of the OACPS Secretariat for the year ended 31 December 2019;
  5. Decision on the designation of the Regional Organisations-Regional Economic Communities (Ros-RECs) and the OACPS Secretariat as responsible bodies for coordinating programming of multi-country programmes and monitoring their implementation;
  6. Decision on the Revised Terms of Reference for the OACPS Small Island Developing States Forum (OACPS SIDS Forum);
  7. Decision on the Outcome Declaration of the 7th Meeting of OACPS Ministers in charge of Fisheries and Aquaculture;
  8. Decision on the Preferential Access for OACPS Agricultural products on the European Union market;
  9. Decision on the 10th Summit of the OACPS Heads of State and Government;
  10. Decision on setting up of an OACPS platform of engagement with diasporas and people of African descent;
  11. Decision on Vanuatu’s Campaign for an Advisory Opinion from the International Court of Justice


  1. Resolution on Commodities and Value Chains issues.

Click HERE to download a PDF of the signed document.